Working Together
Hire a DUI defense lawyer on your side. With your free initial consultation, we’ll develop a defense strategy plan for you. You are an important part to formulating a defense and working out the best option for you.
Why Choose Us?
Experience. You just can’t beat it when it comes to quality legal representation. DUI defense lawyer Stephen Cale has provided legal services for 25 years – and with a focus in criminal defense.
Call Now 918.277.4800
Looking for a DUI defense lawyer? Call us for a free initial consultation and defense strategy plan. We’ll discuss what options may be best for you. Waiting won’t help you. Take action now.
Located just one block from the Tulsa County Courthouse
Driving Under the Influence (DUI) | Aggravated DUI | Driving Under the Influence of Drugs (DUI Drugs) | Actual Physical Control (APC) | Being Involved in an Accident While Driving Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol | Driving While Impaired (DWI) | Driving Under Suspension or Revocation | Child Endangerment by Driving Under the Influence | DUI Checkpoints | Causing an Accident While Driving Under the Influence | Leaving the Scene of an Accident | Drunk Driving Lawyer | DUI Law | DWI Lawyer | Driver’s License Defense
Serving clients throughout Northeastern Oklahoma, including Tulsa, Washington, Nowata, Rogers, Craig, Okmulgee, Creek, Pawnee and Osage counties.